Nope, Alpha project, was UOD for 4 hours, how can friends and family see.?Credit system is way off.Simap
is same experiment, yet, I get quadriple the points then this Alpha Experiment.I am out
Learn to treat Linux and Widoz the same see Macs are being treated well,This Experiment will lose all Linux users, that want to compete for position.
"NO Difference"
Once you fix credits I am back "Maybe"
I am real "Pissed" cause this is wrong
Dear Doug,
We have just opened up this project 3 days ago and are in ALPHA test. There are many things not quite right with the system yet, but you guys are doing a great job to get it right eventually. The right thing to say for you would have been: project devs, there seems to be something strange with the credit system for linux users, could you please check this? And that way we would check it out (which we will, thanks for letting us know). Alpha projects are not about earning many credits, they are about making a project stable and robust. Without all of you willing to help test we wouldn't be able to this at all. All of this help is so much appreciated!
Nope, Alpha project, was UOD for 4 hours, how can friends and family see.?Credit system is way off.Simap
is same experiment, yet, I get quadriple the points then this Alpha Experiment.I am out
Learn to treat Linux and Widoz the same see Macs are being treated well,This Experiment will lose all Linux users, that want to compete for position.
"NO Difference"
Once you fix credits I am back "Maybe"
I am real "Pissed" cause this is wrong
There's always lots of bugs in the beginning stages of a project, that's kind of the point of alpha phase, to find and fix them. If it makes you feel any better, I crunched for 2 days, got nothing but errors and had to dump everything (and I run Windoze!). I understand your frustration, but again, it's only the first week. I never attach to an Alpha unless I know I can devote time (and patience) to babysitting my box and watching/posting on the forums for bugs, errors, and other inconsistencies.
As participants, we are donating our resources, and the developers are fully aware of that; but they cannot fix everything at once, nor do I expect them to. At this point, it's not so much about the credits as it is smoothing out the wrinkles in the less than perfect "stock" BOINC client and helping the developers fine tune their apps. We are the lab rats, and as long as there is good, prompt communication between the project admins and the user base, and I see that some progress is being made on known issues, I do not consider my involvement to be a waste of time.
Testing out fledgling projects isn't for everyone though, and I do run other more developed ones too (or I might go crazy). We all have our own priorities and expectations. Admittedly, I have a soft spot for Betas, but I like racking up credits for myself and my team, and I certainly wouldn't put up with all these kinds of things from a project that was in full release. By the time it leaves the alpha-beta nest, they should have already have all that stuff worked out. From what I have seen so far, the Docking folks are planning to be around for many years to come, and are serious about getting the job done right. This is supposed to be fun, so if you're not having any, then by all means you should run something more stable, and try back in a later stage.
Testing out fledgling projects isn't for everyone though...
Yes, very true.
Thats why only testers should be allowed to early stage of projects, those willing to re-run application, baby sit, reporting bugs, not getting credit and not getting mad etc.
I suggest to put "Volunteer tester" flag to testers in their profile.
I also hope that regular users will come back/join when project had bugs irend out and is ready for public...
Thatwas well put, and understandable, at our team, and my decision, poor at that,
does not have anything to do with my anger regarding Linux Benches compared to Widoz.Honza, you are a Windoz Man!Am I right?
Was hoping to help my team get a big start and feel accepted {Linux}
they were all having up and download probs.Not this exelent distro "The Full Monty", and some are giving up and I felt not being able to keep them with Docking
was due to there Distro, and old hardware maybe?
I fully understand about Alpha and hate causing waves,just so angry at the Bench
method, and "apathy" regarding Alpha for only lasting a school year, and I knew my favorite football team almmamotre UTEP, was in for "Long Hall"
I am not going to "compete", I want to just "help" , instaed of giving 200% share,
and still doing better with experiments out of Beta.I have been a "Tester" of Linux Distros for a year now, one a week wheras xp users are itching for a new distro, but the O.S. are "Swiss cheese" {full of wholes}And I like Widoz, but not the cost, and the stranglehold on the Western World.If 3rd world Countries and there peoples can use Linux, whynot the West.Washington and Homeland Security does,
Massachusetts etcc.I am a Beta Tester and am over 50 years old Honza and donnot need a flag. Sit at this P.C. in a wheelchair with dibilitating R.A.,Auto immune diseases, and that is why I run alpha folding experiments.I am back and will not let "Pain" cause knee jerk reactions, just try to put a flag on me Honza!"Teamate", I hope you are just trying to explain in your own way to "understand" about "Alpha",or, hope it is not a WINDOZ Zealotry thing.Be Well
Honza, Andre,Atomic Booty, Dave M, it was all great advice.I promise you this, I will not post anymore when pain is severe.I have not had one Ioda of difficulty with one w/u for Docking.Lost about 45 credits in pending credits after first day/shrugged off as an "Alpha Thing".Honza, Thanks for reminding me why I am here, to save lives.Still just a little disspointed in UOD for 4 hours, inbarresed me in fron of friends and Family, they dont get it anyways.
One more concern,
If a person is "Flagged" cause they have only one box,too do everything, and Farms
are considered "Testers" due to financial stability, affording the Boxes, I hope that is not discrimination
Due too small w/u have given Docking 200% time share , for the best being small.Maybe avery week give Linux users BIG w/u , Widows, Small and Mac small,Rotate weekly?If Able?, one Box problem again.
recieved 1 4 minute w/u at 100%, hope this will recieve me more w/u for Linux
so you can see different results.
I respect seeing Scientists "Posting" and that is a Commendable action, my reacction, work , crunch and be happy.
One more concern,
If a person is "Flagged" cause they have only one box,too do everything, and Farms
are considered "Testers" due to financial stability, affording the Boxes, I hope that is not discrimination
Who said being a user or a tester is related to number of computers?!? Testing on a single computer is *way* easier, what you say makes no sense.
One more concern,
If a person is "Flagged" cause they have only one box,too do everything, and Farms
are considered "Testers" due to financial stability, affording the Boxes, I hope that is not discrimination
Who said being a user or a tester is related to number of computers?!? Testing on a single computer is *way* easier, what you say makes no sense.
Yes, you are right, if I could delete this post I would,
Thanks Nicholis
The boinc system is the item that doesn't treat the linux/widows scoring fair, and it's across the spectrum not just here. And it generates a "self fulfilling prophecy" that berkeley has built.... linux users don't get overly involved in many boinc projects due to the scoring it they are worried about point generation for their team. And projects say linux users don't participate to the degree the windows users do, so the effort isn't put into correcting linux inequities. Why am I here? Hopefully to see a project that gives linux a shot, but like they say, it's alpha testing. I spent a ton of time and effort on the boinc stuff while berkeley was going through all the initial stuff. I didn't think they would ever get it to work, and really <huge cheesy grin> as a linux user I still don't think they have it in the prime time category yet. It's all just part of the process of getting things off and running.
What is happening that I notice here though is that we run out of linux work units and yet the windows systems keep on running.... but it's alpha again. :) How do I know? I've ben keeping one windows box running too just to check for stuff like that.
So really a person is much better off devoting just one system for testing. I've been on quite a few initial testing efforts and they dump the scoring points. So if one is crunching here for the points it's sort of rather pointless (pardon the pun). I've been grinding a few systems to see if stuff was running decent, which for me it has been. Will I keep running the same number? No, why? because it's alpha testing and not ready for the team races. :) When I signed up, it was because Andre was looking for linux users. Points are cool and I'm a stats whore, no doubt about it. But this effort here isn't at that point in the game........ they are still trying to build the playground yet. :)