Posts by daniele
Message boards : Number crunching : Linux users ( Message 1385 )Posted 3922 days ago by daniele I couldn't follow your successes in the past days, but I'm happy if you managed to solve the problem! Did you manage? As far I can see you are running two clients in two different home directories :) |
Message boards : Cafe Docking : Linux users - POLL - credits and distros ( Message 1379 )Posted 3923 days ago by daniele Hello, all:) Linux is far better than Windows in multiprocessing and multiprocessor systems, with one, two or how many cores and cpus you want to use. One of my host is a Core Duo @ 2GHz and is running fine with debian, of course you should have a kernel which supports multiprocessing, smp :) |
Message boards : Unix/Linux : compute error ( Message 1374 )Posted 3924 days ago by daniele Finally I finished setup and started crunching of one result. I'm sorry I can't examinate those scripts now, but if the ulimit command doesn't work it could be related to how the virtual machine runs. To be clearer, I don't know what the VM does when a process claims for unlimited stack. Would you paste the script here? |
Message boards : Unix/Linux : compute error ( Message 1373 )Posted 3924 days ago by daniele I start client manually by clicking executable file "run_client" on X Window. So you are not using the debian package, but the standard one from boinc team. I suggest to use the first one if you are using debian. Anyway, if you prefer to use the one you are running now, the line goes in the run_client script, you are right :) As I said, you can't find those files because they have been created by debian mantainers to give the boinc client a coherent structure with other system services. |
Message boards : Unix/Linux : compute error ( Message 1366 )Posted 3925 days ago by daniele I crunched one result on debian via VMWare, and the result experienced 0x1 error. Sure, I have never used VMWare, but if it sets up a virtual debian system in which you can move as if you were in the real one, then you have installed the .deb packages for the client and the manager and now the client starts automatically when you "boot" linux. Is it right? Or do you start the client manually? If it starts "at boot", then look for the file boinc-client in the directory /etc/init.d More concisely, the file is /etc/init.d/boinc-client Tell me if you want I write the commands to use the shell directly, or if you prefer the graphical way. In this file, which is a script executed at boot time with the addictional parameter "start", this way (or similar) ./etc/init.d/boinc-client start there's a function named START() Here it is mine, the line you have to add is the "highlighted" one start() { log_begin_msg "Starting $DESC: $NAME" if is_running; then log_progress_msg "already running" else ################################### ulimit -s unlimited ################################### start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --background --pidfile $PIDFILE --make-pidfile --user $BOINC_USER --chuid $BOINC_USER --chdir $BOINC_DIR --exec $BOINC_CLIENT -- $BOINC_OPTS fi log_end_msg 0 } This way you'll make the minimum change to the behaviour of the system, since it will apply only to the client process and not to all the process of the user. If you start the client in other ways, then you have to add the line in the script you use. If you are not using any scripts, tell me what you are doing :) But since it's debian, there should be no problems. What is `ulimit -s unlimited`? This command gives to the shell instance in which you type it the faculty to have an unlimited stack when executing code. This "permission" will apply only to that shell and to the processes started by that shell. Generally speaking, there are "different kinds" of shell, or better there are different ways to start one. When you execute a script, this is done in a separate shell, which is closed when the script stops. If you give the ulimit -s command in that script, then that shell will have unlimited stack. When the script start a new client, this new process has unlimited stack. But in little time the script will finish, and the shell will be closed, so the client would die with the father. To avoid this, there are many methods, one is to start the client as a daemon (a service running in background), which is fair 'cause it's exactly what we want to do with the client, with or without the unlimited stack :) So, as you can see in the start() function, the command stop-start-daemon is used. When the script stops, the client remains alive, with unlimited stack permission. Its sons, i.e. the apps launched for the projects, will have unlimited stack as well, and the client is a session manager (...). If you want to stop the client to make some experiments, you can type in a console ./etc/init.d/boinc-client stop or if you prefer ./etc/init.d/boinc-client restart This is why debian rules :) |
Message boards : Cafe Docking : Linux users - POLL - credits and distros ( Message 1358 )Posted 3925 days ago by daniele Maybe I should change the name to this thread and you could move it in the "cafe" section? |
Message boards : Cafe Docking : Linux users - POLL - credits and distros ( Message 1357 )Posted 3925 days ago by daniele by the way, anyone tried crunching d@h on vine linux or turbo linux? This ditribution is rather popular in Japan. Sorry, I'm in love with debian :) |
Message boards : Cafe Docking : Linux users - POLL - credits and distros ( Message 1356 )Posted 3925 days ago by daniele the phrase is latin and frankly saying I'm not really sure what it can mean particular thing... seek google for it. Because my avatar is a picture of goddess, then I just wanted to have additionaly what relates with the avatar:) I'm italian and studied a lot of latin :) Some years ago I nearly managed to translate latin without using a dictionary. The phrase is: "Audaces fortuna iuvat" In Latin phrases often the position of "grammar cases" (i.e. subject, object...) and verbs is different from the one in italian, english and so on. In this case we have: Audaces: object, plural fortuna: subject iuvat: verb so we could rewrite the phrase as (but only for didactal purpose) "Fortuna iuvat audaces" (subject, verb, object) and we could translate it as "Destiny helps the fearless" Meaning that if you are audacious (fearless) the ups and downs of life will be "on your side", 'cause you will decide what to do, not undergo others' decisions. It's difficult to translate "fortuna" in english, it's difficult in italian too, because it'a kind of "false friend". In fact in latin "fortuna" is a "term which stays in the middle" (vox media), it's neither positive nor negative, it's the destiny itself, the cases of life. It has the same spelling as the italian term "fortuna", but this one means "luck", and it has a positive meaning. An evolution in the language :) |
Message boards : Number crunching : Linux users ( Message 1355 )Posted 3925 days ago by daniele I am sure you did real well for your exams Dannielle, Thank you my friend :) The exams will be on november 14th, now I'm studying hard. Regarding your problem, maybe the simplest solution is to set the first client (the one with 4 projects attached) to "don't allow new tasks", and when it completes the current ones you can detach the client from those projects, and reattach the second client. Then you (we) make a shortcut on the desktop and you won't have to use the console. I know that you have climateprediction running on the first client, so it's a problem to complete that WU, but you could start with the other 3 projects. It's not simple to run two clients with the same manager if you are using the same directory with the same user on the same host, I don't even know if the standard client and manager can manage this situation. If they can do it, probably it would be a bit difficult to make the trick work. WHile I'm waiting for my exams to come to an (happy) end... you are using kde, so you probably have these two programs: Krdc and Krfb. They allow to share a desktop session, so I could work on your system from mine. I've not used them yet, but they could be useful if you have any problems and want me to solve the problem without having to write thousands of lines in this thread. Not a problem for now, I have to study. Bye Doug :) |
Message boards : Unix/Linux : Helping Users with Linux WU problems. ( Message 1350 )Posted 3925 days ago by daniele You were supposed to be an alpha tester. You are probably right, I'm more an admin-inside than an alpha tester. Anyway the best alpha tester is the one who never complains if a problem needs a workaround and it's not fixed in few minutes. Hence the word alpha. I'm joking, have a good day :D |
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