Posts by Aaron Finney


Message boards : Docking@Home Science : Poem@home display Wu and use GPU ? like Folding@home ?

( Message 6298 )
Posted 2341 days ago by Aaron Finney
Double post deleted.

Message boards : Docking@Home Science : SIMAP

( Message 6297 )
Posted 2341 days ago by Aaron Finney
They do not use any of the data.... SIMAP focuses on sequence alignment while Docking@Home focuses on 3D Structure Prediction of two known structures docking.... No way to apply the data.

Well the good news is that they are now 87% of this super-large 7 part batch, so in just a few days I'll be back here with vigor!

Message boards : Docking@Home Science : SIMAP

( Message 6290 )
Posted 2346 days ago by Aaron Finney
Do you guys use information from SIMAP?

I have recently decided to put my machine on SIMAP exclusively so that they can get 'caught up' with the recent large batch of work they got from metagenomes. (currently on batch 6/7)

I'm sorry about dropping my RAC, and I know I'm not your biggest contributor, but if you can tell me you use some of their data, I'll feel better about it! XDDD

Message boards : Number crunching : Invalid Workunits

( Message 5932 )
Posted 2641 days ago by Aaron Finney
If my processor makes an error (due to being overclocked) while crunching a workunit, where would I see it?

Would the report come from my BOINC client or the task list in my profile?

I want to know because if my processor is making mistakes, I'll downclock it.

Generally you will see it in several places. If you are getting tons of 'Computation Error' messages in the Task Tab, under STATUS - Some piece of your machine is causing errors.

You can also check your history by logging into the website, clicking on 'My Account', then clicking 'View' for "Computers on this Account", then clicking TASKS next to the offending or suspect computer. I went ahead and checked here for you, and it doesn't seem as though you are getting invalid results, or computation errors. - Here's the links in case you get lost :

Host 1
Host 2

Message boards : Wish list : phentermine cheap, phentermine no prescription, phentermine online, phentermine now

( Message 5931 )
Posted 2641 days ago by Aaron Finney
Not that I am going to encourage such posts... BUT...

I was cleaning out my mothers cabinets today.. and discovered a TRUE GEM.

Bags upon bags of PHEN PHEN TEA. What a coincidence to find this thread!

I am sipping happily on the worst tasting orange tea one could possibly imagine.

Wonder if I'll be up all night?

*dance dance* lol

Message boards : Number crunching : Expensive Edition RaWr

( Message 5929 )
Posted 2642 days ago by Aaron Finney
099869103930823238170023 - tested 24 hours
099869103930823238170004 - tested 24 hours
09986910380800R09041160002 - tested 48 hours
099869103930873238170006 - tested 12 hours

099869103930S23238170019 - tested 12 hours, ran flawlessly, but had initial problems with post @ XMP settings.
099869103930S23238170002 - Errors @ .44, 1.26, 3:21, 3:37, 6:02, 6:58, 9:17, 10:34 stopped testing @ 11 minutes.
09986910380800R09041160001 - computation errors
099869103930S23238170021 - would not boot with XMP settings.
09986910380800R09041160003 - would not boot with XMP settings.

all Mushkin ram. I was told they were awesome? 5/9 bad seems like something ran amok somewhere. Makes me want to go back to GEIL. :(

Message boards : Number crunching : Expensive Edition RaWr

( Message 5928 )
Posted 2644 days ago by Aaron Finney
Successfully eliminated one stick out of nine as being bad ram today, with 2 sticks validated as good.

Working on stick 4 XD

Will still be about a week and a half before I complete all testing, so.. very sorry about the computation errors and aborted WU.

Message boards : Number crunching : Language(s) used here.

( Message 5927 )
Posted 2646 days ago by Aaron Finney
... to late to edit. I should have been clearer, I meant programming languages, Fortran-77 that kind of thing.

Hell I thought you were complaining about my dirty mouth!


Message boards : Number crunching : Expensive Edition RaWr

( Message 5914 )
Posted 2662 days ago by Aaron Finney
Nice!! welcome back!


Well the old PC is churning away right next to the new one, but -

I've discovered a memory problem with the new one. I'm not sure if it has to do with adequate cooling, or simply bad ram... I'm real sorry about the slew of computation errors, I'm going to be spending the next few days trying to figure out which stick of ram is giving me problems, then likely RMA back to Mushkin.

nevertheless - /sadpanda

On a side note - if anyone reading this knows of a *GOOD* (meaning best available, and actually very functional, not just a gimmick) RAM cooler, I'm interested in entertaining this option, but haven't the slightest clue about this very niche section of the enthusiast market.

Edited to add - Just found a newer BIOS on's website. Trying that first, though I doubt it will help.

Message boards : Number crunching : Expensive Edition RaWr

( Message 5908 )
Posted 2675 days ago by Aaron Finney
OK SO ---

Basically I'm putting out 1 completed workunit per core every 3 hours, does that sound normal?

All I remember is that seemed to be about the speed it was with my old Core 2 duo system.

Guess I'm gonna have to load it up over on the "old" beast to see! XD

*whistles innocently...*

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